‘The reason for signing up for the ‘Klimaklar’ program was to get a good overview of our CO2 footprint, put numbers on our emissions and get further inspiration to reduce it. In addition, it allows our customers to make an informed, sustainable choice when purchasing new furniture.
Since we have our production locally in Denmark, we have the first-hand opportunities to identify further optimization potential.’
Nils Knudsen, owner and CEO of Magnus Olesen A/S
Supported by local Danish ‘Strandet’ consultancy Magnus Olesen A/S completed the climate accounting and analysed further reduction potential within the company. It has provided an overview of CO2 emissions and climate accounting.
✓ Understanding relevant climate data
✓ Competences to understand and make CO2-calculations
✓ Overview and inspiration for further reductions and actionplan
“The reason for signing up for the ‘Klimaklar’ program was to get a good overview of our CO2 footprint, put numbers on our emissions and get further inspiration to reduce it. In addition, it allows our customers to make an informed, sustainable choice when purchasing new furniture. Since we have our production locally in Denmark, we have the first-hand opportunities to identify further optimization potential.”
Nils Knudsen, Owner & CEO, Magnus Olesen A/S